“May the Queen of Peace preserve the world from the madness of war.”
Sister Carol Ann Papp and students at Northside Catholic Assumption Academy show their support for Ukraine.
Sisters and volunteers in the Slovak Republic sort donations to help Ukrainian refugees.
More Aid on the Way
to Sisters Helping Near Ukraine
Thanks to the generosity of our friends near Closter, N.J., we recently sent $3,000 to our Sisters in the Slovak Republic to continue their work with and care for Ukrainian families. Our Slovak Sisters volunteer at the border; collect food, clothing and other necessities; offer hospitality in their homes; and assist with recognition of documents in state offices. Likewise, our Sisters in the Czech Republic are helping with similar activities, integrating refugee children into religion classes, and hosting Ukrainian students who have begun attending high schools in Prague.
Praying for Peace in Ukraine
Following March 18 Mass, students at Northside Catholic Assumption Academy in Pittsburgh — where Sister Carol Ann Papp teaches art and religion — eighth-grade students participated in a time of reflection and prayer for an end to violence in our world. They entered the adjacent St. Cyril of Alexandria Church to the sound of the prayer bell and led by the colors of Ukraine, a handmade cross and two candles. They stood in silence as students and parishioners left the church, many deeply touched and moved to work for peace.
Sister Carol Ann ordered the flag through Flag Factory to benefit the Brother’s Brother Foundation, a nearby nonprofit raising funds to airlift 72 pallets of medical supplies to Ukraine. While many vendors are currently offering Ukraine flags and other items, it is best to purchase from one where at least a portion of the profits benefits the war-torn country and its people.
Our Sisters in the U.S. Province — along with a few friends of our community — reached into their hearts and their wallets in March 2022 to make a collective $2,500 donation to Catholic Relief Services for aid in Ukraine. The contribution will help families in Ukraine and surrounding countries receive food, clothing, transport to safe shelter, cash assistance, counseling and care for children. If you, too, would like to help through CRS, click here.
Our Sisters around the world, too, are stepping up to directly help Ukrainian refugees displaced by war. Those in the Slovak Province are welcoming refugees into some of their convents. A few Sisters there also are going to the border to help the Franciscan friars in their direct service to the refugees, all while keeping up with their regular ministries.
In Sicily, our Sisters serve at a guest house run by the diocese for relatives of patients at a nearby hospital. The local bishop is working to open the second floor to house 20 refugees. Our Sisters are preparing by collecting clothing and other needs.
Other plans also are in the works in Italy and the Czech Province to offer aide. Stateside, our American Sisters are offering prayers and collecting funds to support Catholic Relief Services in Ukraine.
If you’d like to support the work of our Sisters in the Slovak Republic and Czech Republic, checks payable to “School Sisters of St. Francis” can be sent to our Provincial Office:
School Sisters
of St. Francis
Attn: Helping Ukraine
4900 Perry Highway
Suite 201
Pittsburgh PA 15229